Julian Assange has been in the custody of the British authorities for over a year. For the publication of documents of war crimes, the USA demands his extradition from Great Britain in order to be able to convict him in a secret court without the possibility of defence and without publicity. He faces a prison sentence of up to 175 years. After more than 7 years of "detention" without sunlight in the Ecuadorian embassy, he is in a very bad state of health. He is therefore particularly endangered by the corona virus, as a severe to fatal course of disease is probable. Both the current extradition procedure with solitary confinement and degrading treatment, and the years of persecution since 2012 violate constitutional standards of a fair trial and are a direct attack on the freedom of the press.

We demand the immdediate release of Julian Assange and that all charges against him will be dropped. Julian Assange must be given the necessary psychological and medical care immediately, and the actions of the authorities in Sweden and Great Britain, which have led to the current untenable situation, must be fully and publicly clarified.

Because of the measures taken to protect against Covid-19, we cannot currently demonstrate together as usual, but we can show governments that we are committed to our civil, human and fundamental rights even in times of crisis.

That's why you can do something for Julian Assange by wearing a special t-shirt in public. This is still possible even if the measures would be tightened again and we are only allowed to leave our flat for the purpose of sports.

Your shirt!

  • Order* your straight shirt, or
  • get the graphic file and have it printed at the print shop you trust, or
  • paint a shirt your self e.g. with the hashtag #doSport4Assange!
(*We have only created the design of the shirt and have no intention of making a profit!)

Wear a shirt and take a stand

Ideally, you should jog or ride your inline skates, skate board or bicycle or any other piece of sports equipment wherever representatives of the USA or Great Britain, the German government or the EU can see you. Show these official bodies that directly or indirectly influence or can influence the fate of Julian Assange that civil society has not forgotten Assange and continues to fight for his rights and for the freedom of the press.

Located in Berlin

If you live in Berlin, it is possible to integrate the embassies of the USA (map) und Großbritanniens (map) and Great Britain (map) into your running route in a round trip, for example. If you don't live near the embassies, why not cycle into the city centre, lock your bike and choose a running route near the Brandenburg Gate and Tiergarten. The embassies are located in the immediate vicinity. The Chancellery (map) is also worth a visit and at "Unter den Linden" you will also find the representation of the European Union. Both the German government and the EU often and gladly admonish other governments to adhere to constitutional principles. One could take this opportunity to remind both of the Assange case. Of course you can also go cycling yourself or inline skating. You can even take a break for gymnastic exercises and stretching and spend some time at the embassies.

If you are not in Berlin

Showing your standpoint is also possible outside of Berlin's city centre. The T-shirt signals solidarity with Julian Assange, and if there is a consular representation or a facility run by the USA or Great Britain in your city (e.g. a language school, institute or other), you can choose the running route accordingly.


For all activities please follow the guidelines of your region. Under no circumstances do we want you to get infected or others to be infected by you. Furthermore, we do not want you to violate the orders of the authorities in your region. Therefore it is probably necessary that:

  • Under no circumstances do you do outdoor sports if you know that you are infected or even ill with Covid-19,
  • you do your rounds alone or at most in pairs (here, according to the current relaxation, more people are possible),
  • You keep enough distance to other people,
  • Wear a mouth guard if possible (this also increases the Training Effect),
  • the purpose of your activity is to exercise.

create publicity

Let your friends and acquaintances know that you do sports for Assange and announce or write about your activities in the social networks you use. If you are on Twitter, you may use the hashtag #doSport4assange.

Background information, petitions and other solidarity actions

Various organizations and associations of individuals have launched petitions in recent months demanding the release of Assange. Please look at these pages and sign the calls if you can identify with them: